The 1st of March of 2009 in Cali, with a cultural and ceremonial act in the square of San Bosco, Vicepresident of Minister of Transport, the Mayor of Santiago de Cali and the President of Metrocali, inagurated the promotional phase of "The Integrated Mass West" in spanish "Masivo Integrado de Occidente" MIO. It first haved 53 articulated buses, 31 buses padrones, 3 rutas troncales, and 7 fedders.
As a challenge to change not only the mobility in the city, but the culture of citizenship, called the Cali Mayor Jorge Ivan Ospina. The start of that first Phase consisted 16 coupon of Rolling Rolls, and 3 articulated buses.
As a challenge to change not only the mobility in the city, but the culture of citizenship, called the Cali Mayor Jorge Ivan Ospina. The start of that first Phase consisted 16 coupon of Rolling Rolls, and 3 articulated buses.
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