martes, 16 de febrero de 2010


This blog was created to the people to know about the MIO system, and how to use it with the units of measurement.
Also to help the people to learn about the distance of the stations, the routes, and all the other things related to the MIO and the measurement. We hope you like this blog!!!

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010


The MIO is an integrated massive transport in the city of Cali thought vial corridors dedicated to the society, the city and the community.

This massive system, also as transport us in a modern and efficent way, should serve as an excuse to transform our city. New and renovated public spaces, better air quality, and many other benefits make the MIO an element to integrate the city of Cali.

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010


The 1st of March of 2009 in Cali, with a cultural and ceremonial act in the square of San Bosco, Vicepresident of Minister of Transport, the Mayor of Santiago de Cali and the President of Metrocali, inagurated the promotional phase of "The Integrated Mass West" in spanish "Masivo Integrado de Occidente" MIO. It first haved 53 articulated buses, 31 buses padrones, 3 rutas troncales, and 7 fedders.

As a challenge to change not only the mobility in the city, but the culture of citizenship, called the Cali Mayor Jorge Ivan Ospina. The start of that first Phase consisted 16 coupon of Rolling Rolls, and 3 articulated buses.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

MIO Routes in Cali

This are the routes that cover the MIO( Masivo Integrado de Occidente ) in the city of Cali:

More Routes

Next there are some examples of the routes of the MIO in the city of Cali.

Pretroncal route P30A

Pretroncal Route P30A


Pretroncal route P20A

Pretroncal Rute P20A

(Rail Way Station-Center)

Pretroncal route p14

Pretroncal P14

(Univercities-7 of August)

Pretroncal Route P10

Pretroncal rute:


miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010


In the MIO the form to pay is by some cards, each card cost 1.500$ pesos and can be recharged. Each time you travel on the MIO, by a special system on each bus, the system discounts one passage (1.500$)pesos. There are two types of cards: The first one is for the local people that lives on the city, and the second one is special to the foreign people, and it is for they to know the MIO. It is of only one passage.

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010


In the MIO stations is where you buy your rechargable card, or there you can wait for your MIO bus. There you can wait for an articulated bus, or for an padron bus.

There are many stations in cali, the principals are located at the center of cali. Each station is in a distance of 500 meters.

Also there are some stops in the streets to wait for the feeders, each one is by the distance of 250meters to 300meters.

sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010

The Rules at the MIO

These are some of the most important Rules that are at the MIO:
-Do not transport any animals.
-Do not smoke or eat in the buses or the stations.
-Do not run in the stations.
-Do not use cameras in the stations.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

How to use a MIO

These are the basic steps to learn to use a MIO:

*You have to buy a rechargable card, or if you already have one, aproach and recharge it for you to have more journeys in the MIO.

*Then you have to wait for the bus you need to arrive.
*At the bus or before enter it, you have to pass through a system of reading cards. There you have to pass your card, there the system will discount you a ride on the MIO.

*If you don´t get out of the station the system will only discount you the price of one journey.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

General Info:

-The MIO was created to fix the trafic on the city.
-At the time an old regular bus is junked, a new MIO rute emerge.
-The company encharged of the MIO circulation is Metrocali S.A.
-When the MIO arrive to the 3rd phase, there are going to be 90 MIO rutes and 1.000 vehicles.
-The MIO is a masive transport.(big)
-The MIO buses help the enviroment.
-With the MIO the auditional contamination is eliminated.
-With the MIO the thiefs have disminuyed.
-It fix the city view.
-All the buses are conditionated to the city.
-The SIUR is encharged of the cards.
-In the city there are special streets for the bold people, these are produced by the MIO.
-Is going to be a new special bus only for the invalid persons, or people with special conditions.
-The MIO travels 15km per route.
-At this moment in the MIO mobilize 165.000 of persons in a day.

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010


Here we want to show you an interview aboUT THE MIO.

martes, 2 de febrero de 2010

MIO Inaguration Video

Here we want to show you another MIO video.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

PART 2: Learning about measurement, metric units of lenght with the MIO routes.

Here is the second part of the blog, and it consists of the measurment and metric units of lenght all using the MIO system.

domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

Prior Knowledge.

This is our prior knowledge about Metric Units of Lenght:

viernes, 29 de enero de 2010


-Decimeter in a Kilometer: A decimeter fits 10.000 times in a kilometer because a decimeter is composed of 10 centimeters, and a in a kilometer are 100.000 centimeters.

-Kilometer in a decameter: A kilometer fits 0.01 times in a Decameter because the decameter is the 100 part of the Kilometer.

-Meter in a Decameter: A Meter fits 10 times in a decameter because, a decameter is composed of 10 meters. Deca= 10 -Meter= meters.

-Hectometer in a Decimeter: An hectometer fits 0.001 times in a decimeter because, the decimeter is the 1000 part of the Hectometer.

-Milimeter in a Kilometer: A milimeter fits 1.000.000 in a Kilometer, because in a centimeter are 10 milimeters, and a kilometer are .100.000 centimeters.

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Measurement Game

Here we want to show you a measurement game. I hope you like it!!

viernes, 1 de enero de 2010

Problem Solving:

~If you are in cañaveralejo station, and you want to travel to the most closest station in the MIO, How many meters you will have to travel?

R/If you want to travel to the most closest station you may travel about 500 meters in the MIO.

-If you are in a MIO fedder stop and you want to travel to the most closest stop at the area, How many meters you will have to travel?

R/If you want to travel to the most closest MIO fedder stop you may travel about 250 to 300 meters.